Depth Work: Mind, Body & Society in Mental Health
Depth Work Podcast
Body Talk Somatic Practice

Paid episode

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Body Talk Somatic Practice

For Listening to the Wisdom of the Body

Our bodies are wise and contain so much information. Learning to listen to, build bridges with, and connect to our bodies as wise entities helps us understand what we truly need in order to heal. We can directly communicate with the body in many ways. Here is my favorite practice that has helped me learn what I've been ignoring, what I need, what I desi…

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Depth Work: Mind, Body & Society in Mental Health
Depth Work Podcast
DEPTH Work is a podcast for those who love to dive into transformative healing practices. We talk about mental health, philosophy of psychiatry, trauma, mind-body practices, ancestry, spirituality, societal change, somatics, and more. Let's dive in!