Depth Work: Mind, Body & Society in Mental Health
Depth Work Podcast
How To Support Those Struggling With Suicidal Ideation

Paid episode

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How To Support Those Struggling With Suicidal Ideation

When someone says that they want to end their life, it just means that they don't want to be living the life that they're living” (from: The Icarus Project). In this episode I share some personal and professional lessons and ways to support folks who may be experiencing SI as a friend or family member. I share why we have to be attentive to our own fee…

This post is for paid subscribers

Depth Work: Mind, Body & Society in Mental Health
Depth Work Podcast
DEPTH Work is a podcast for those who love to dive into transformative healing practices. We talk about mental health, philosophy of psychiatry, trauma, mind-body practices, ancestry, spirituality, societal change, somatics, and more. Let's dive in!