Depth Work: Mind, Body & Society in Mental Health
Depth Work Podcast
Ancestral Retention & Traumatic Re-Enactment

Paid episode

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Ancestral Retention & Traumatic Re-Enactment

Re-Living The Stories & Experiences of Our Ancestors

Traumatic retention is "a trauma-related behavior that gets passed down through the generations until it loses its original context and begins to look like culture.” - Resmaa Menakem, My Grandmother's Hands

We all have inherited qualities from our ancestors. Sometimes we are aware of the ways in which the lived experiences of our ancestors impact us. Oth…

This post is for paid subscribers

Depth Work: Mind, Body & Society in Mental Health
Depth Work Podcast
DEPTH Work is a podcast for those who love to dive into transformative healing practices. We talk about mental health, philosophy of psychiatry, trauma, mind-body practices, ancestry, spirituality, societal change, somatics, and more. Let's dive in!